Common "Diabetes" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where there is increased blood sugar levels. It may be of type 1 or type 2. The early signs of diabetes include increased thirst, increased hunger and increased frequency of urination.

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I am not diabetic, yet my blood sugar levels fluctuate. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 60 year old working woman, and my weight is 176 pounds. I am not diabetic, but my recent reports showed my fasting blood sugar level to be 105 mg/dL and HbA1C was 6.2 %. After seeing the report, I got scared, so I redid the test after a week. This time, my fasting blood sugar wa...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It appears that you do not have diabetes but just impaired fasting glucose, or in other words, you might develop diabetes in the next few years if you do not have a proper diet control. I would suggest that you control your diet by eating low fat, low carbohydrate, dr...  Read Full »

I need dietary advice for my diabetic brother admitted to ICU.

Query: Hi doctor, My brother was admitted to the ICU and later discharged after three days. I need a second opinion and diagnosis and future dietary restrictions. I have attached the reports for your reference. Please note that he has type 1 diabetes. Kindly give me your suggestions on his reports.  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query regarding your brother who suffered from acute pancreatitis. Also, I read the doctor's notes saying he has type 2 diabetes (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). Acute pancreatitis is often caused by gallstones or drinking t...  Read Full »

My diabetic father has tuberculosis and is weak and unable to move. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My father is suffering from TB and diabetes. Now, he is not able to move and is feeling very weak. It has been one month since the diagnosis was made. How much time will it take for him to recover? Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hi, Welcome to We will help you identify and solve your health concerns. I just read your query and I need more details about the medical history of your father like how long he is diabetic, what drugs he is taking, and what are the values of his fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, ...  Read Full »

I am under medication for diabetes, but my blood sugar levels are still high. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I have been a diabetic for the past eight years, and my depression is 9.7 out of 10. My retina is also affected by it. I also have blurred vision, weakness, increased thirst, loss of memory, coordination problems of body parts, sudden blanking out, and numbness of my leg, which is increasi...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. And from what you have attached (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity), it appears that you have uncontrolled diabetes with complications of diabetic retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy. Your HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) is...  Read Full »

What to do for shoulder pain, weakness and tingling sensation on hand in a diabetic patient?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a diabetic patient. I am having weakness, shoulder pain, and tingling sensation on hand. I am taking the following medicines Lantus injection 26 units in the morning, K GEM (Gliclazide 50 mg and Metformin 500 mg), K pio (Pioglitazone hydrochloride 15 mg), Tendia (Teneligliptin 20 ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query, and from what you have mentioned, I would suggest increasing the dose of Lantas to 30 units once daily. Try to rotate the insulin injection sites as well. Try to walk for 30 minutes and drink 12 glasses of water daily. It will help the natural lowe...  Read Full »

A 11-year-old patient has both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Is there any treatment available for this?

Query: Hello doctor, The patient is 11 years old, and right from birth, he is suffering from type 1 and 2 diabetics. Initially, he was on injection and now on tablets every day. As per the doctor, his pancreas is not working from his birth. Can you please let me know if there is any treatment available for...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, there is a procedure called pancreatic transplant. It must be taking place in your place as well. You can click on the individual hospital website and check if they have a pancreatic transplant facility, but it could be very expensive. But let me tell you one th...  Read Full »

Do my insulin values indicate pancreatic cancer?

Query: Hi doctor, My lab tests are as follows. Seven months ago, I had blood glucose of 105 mg/dl, GTT one hour 160 mg/dl, two hours 118 mg/dl, morning insulin 6.2 μU/ml, HbA1c 5.2 %, A1 6.1 %. This month I had BG 110 mg/dl, GTT one hour 184 mg/dl, two hours 115 mg/dl, morning insulin 5.3 μU/ml. Every ot...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query and from what you have mentioned I would like to say that the reason that your insulin levels are dropping levels are dropping is because of your beta cells of the pancreas are getting exhausted and are not gradually decreasing the production o...  Read Full »

My HbA1c level was found to be high. What should I do next?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 31-year-old. For the last two to three weeks, I was feeling very low, a sort of weakness, and I felt that there is something wrong with my body. So, I went to a clinical laboratory for an HbA1c test and got a result of 10.50 %. The person at the clinical laboratory told me that t...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query, and from what you have mentioned, it appears that you have diabetes. I suggest you take tablet Metformin 500 mg thrice a day after meals. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines with their consent...  Read Full »

I am losing weight due to diabetes. How to control this?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 69 year old male. I am a diabetic patient using Cetapin XR 500 tablets since the last two years. My blood sugar is almost in control, but I am losing weight. Can you help me?  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query and from what you have mentioned, it appears that your diabetes is well controlled with your medications. This medication is suitable for your age and diabetes stage. However, it can cause a slight weight loss. You can lose weight as a sign of a...  Read Full »

Can I bring my increased blood sugar levels back to normal with exercises?

Query: Hello doctor, I had my blood sugar level tested after nine hours of fasting, and it was 138 g/dL. Am I diabetic? Nine hours back, I had a cold drink and burger, and I am overweight. Will my blood sugar level reduce if I exercise and reduce weight?  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query. I cannot say on just one high reading that you have diabetes. You need to do a HbA1C test to be sure of this. Yes, the meal which you described can give high blood sugar levels. If you modify your lifestyle, then definitely you can help yourse...  Read Full »

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