What could be causing a delay in my period after taking Z pack?
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Q. Does missed period after taking Z pack mean pregnancy?

Answered by  
Dr. Sameer Kumar
and medically   reviewed by Dr. Divya Banu M 


Professional Bio:

Dr. Sameer Kumar is a qualified obstetrician and gynecologist. He has done his M.S. in obstetrician and gynecologist in the year 2014 from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. He ... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Nov 02, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My last period started a month back. The next week I was on a Z pack for a throat infection. I have not gotten my period this month. I am 7 to 10 days late. Took six different brands, etc. Pregnancy tests are all negative. What could be causing this late period? I am under a lot of stress also.

Answered by  Dr. Sameer Kumar


Welcome to icliniq.com.

The fact that urine pregnancy test is negative, and as this is the first time that your menses have been delayed and there is a likely cause present- the throat infection and the stress factor during this month. So, stress as we know that it can easily cause hormonal imbalances which can delay menses, you are likely experiencing a stress delay. As you are already delayed by 10 days you can either opt for a withdrawal bleed with Progesterone now or wait for a week to allow menses to return naturally and if not, then use Progesterone pills for withdrawal bleed to initiate menses. Please maintain a menstrual calendar for the next three months to understand the pattern of your menses to ascertain the need for treatment for oligomenorrhea.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

As six tests for pregnancy are negative I assume I can safely rule that out?

Answered by  Dr. Sameer Kumar


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Yes, of course. There is no pregnancy as all urine pregnancy tests with different brands are negative. Urine pregnancy test is highly sensitive after eight days post missed periods. So you can rest assured that the delay is likely to be stress induced.

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