Healthy Heart Rate Calculator | iCliniq

Healthy Heart Rate Calculator

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Have you ever asked yourself, "how do I find my target heart rate?" Finding your target heart rate is easy with our Healthy Heart Calculator. Healthy heart rate calculation can be ascertained for any age and activity level, enabling you to use a heart rate monitor and get the most benefit from your workouts.

Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate varies from person to person. Knowing yours can be an important to gauge if your heart is healthy. As you grow old, changes in the heart rate and regularity of your pulse can take place and it may signify a heart condition that needs to be addressed.

The heart rate calculator comes in two types:

Maximum Heart Rate: This calculator gives you a target which you need to chase. This is a heart rate to aim while you are training. Each of us run with a different speed and distance specific to our age and gender. It depends on our individual capacity, ability, the level of training, and the sport. Regardless of your level, if while running the average heart rate is in the right zone, you are said to be training well. This allows you to stay within a favorable level of exertion and simultaneously pushing your limits a little thereby keeping a healthy heart.

Target Heart Rate: This heart rate emphasizes on the level of the physical effort needed. If the target heart rate is too low then exercises would not deliver the expected results of making you fit. If the target heart rate is too high, it can be treacherous for you.

Resting Heart Rate (bpm)
Heart Rate Range



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How can Maximum and Target Heart Rates be calculated?

Formula to calculate the Maximum Heart Rate:

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Your Age in years

The formula to calculate the Target Heart Rate:

Target Heart Rate = Resting Heart Rate + (Percentage of heart rate training range * (Maximum Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate))

For the Target Heart Rate, you first need to subtract the Resting Heart Rate from the Maximum Heart Rate and multiply the figure with the percentage of heart rate in the training range. This number when added to the Resting Heart Rate will give you the Target Heart Rate that you intend to find.

To fulfill the requirements of the equation, you need to know two things:
  1. The Resting Heart Rate
  2. Percentage of Heart Rate Training Range
1. How to find the Resting Heart Rate?
Your resting heart rate is the heart pumping the lowest amount of blood you need because you are not exercising. A normal heart rate when a person is sitting or lying down or when he is calm and relaxed is normally between 60 and 100 beats per minute. You need to put your fingers over your pulse and count the number of beats in 60 seconds. The best places to find your pulse are the wrists, inside of your elbow, side of your neck, or top of the foot.

2. How to know the Percentage of Heart Rate Training Range:
  • If your heart rate falls between 95 and 114, you are said to be in the Very Light Effort Range (50% to 60%) . This is the Healthy Heart Zone and it improves the overall health and aids recovery.
  • If your heart rate is between 114 and 133, you are said to be in the Light Effort Range (60% to 70%) . This is the Temperate Zone and it ameliorates the basic endurance and the burning of fat.
  • If your heart rate is between 133 and 152, you are said to be in the Moderate Effort Range (70% to 80%) . This is the Aerobic Zone and it enhances aerobic fitness.
  • If your heart rate is between 152 and 171, you are said to be in the Hard Effort Range (80% to 90%) . This is called the Threshold Zone and it upgrades the maximum performance capacity.
  • If your heart rate is between 171 and 190, you are in the Very Hard Effort Range (90% to 100%) . You are in the Performance Redline Zone and this develops maximum performance and speed.