Tinnitus persists with high-pitched tones. How to treat?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. How to control experiencing loud, high-pitched tones in the ears which do not improve even after taking medications?

Answered by  
Dr. Syed Peerzada Tehmid Ul Haque
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.

Education: MS ENT., MBBS

Professional Bio: Dr. Syed Peerzada Tehmid Ul Haque is an otolaryngologist. He completed MBBS at Government Medical College, Srinagar, MS ENT at Government Medical College, Jammu. He has also worked as a resident in Or... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Feb 21, 2023 and last reviewed on: Oct 16, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have been experiencing tinnitus symptoms like hearing loud, high-pitched tones sometimes in the left, right, or both ears for one week. I experienced it temporarily from time to time and it has never been a concern. But now I have been hearing the sound continuously for five days. On the third day, I went to urgent care and they prescribed me Prednisolone 60 mg to be taken every morning for five days. I have two doses left but the symptoms seem to be getting worse as the sound is getting louder. At urgent care, they checked for ear infections and excess ear wax and found nothing. I am under unusually high stress with my job right now. But I am still concerned that the symptoms may get worse and tinnitus may become permanent, or could even lead to deafness. Currently, I am taking Prednisolone 60 mg once daily after breakfast and Trazodone 25 mg every night. I would like to have your advice on how to seek medical care. Should I go to an ENT or audiologist? How soon should I see a doctor? What kind of treatment should I seek?

Answered by  Dr. Syed Peerzada Tehmid Ul Haque


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Thank you for your query. You should continue with Prednisolone for two days and then take half of that dose for five more days. I would also like to know whether there is any hearing loss as of now and any signs of vertigo. You will need a hearing test (pure-tone audiometry) which will give us an insight into the working of the inner ear and the probable cause of tinnitus. Do you have any history of sudden exposure to loud sounds or any history of air travel? I hope this has helped you. Thank you.

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