How to stay out of constant intrusive thoughts?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. I get constant intrusive thoughts in my mind. What to do?

Answered by  
Dr. Anantha Kalyan D
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.

Education: MD (PSYCHIATRY)

Professional Bio: Psychiatrist, with 6 years of experience in diagnosing, treating and preventing emotional and behavioral disorders with the use of medication, and psychotherapy. Empowered with a strong sense of compa... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Nov 24, 2020
Patient's Query

I was fine up beat and may be little stressed before I started feeling like this. I had my children's birthday which are the day after each other and everything went to plan. I had intrusive thoughts for the first time when I was 12 years old. I struggled it off and I was fine untill I had my second child and almost instantly I started to have intrusive thoughts. I feel like I have been going out of my mind. I have intrusive thoughts that will not go away. I have constantly analysed the thoughts and tried to get them out of my head.

I am waiting to speak to a therapist tomorrow. My doctor has prescribed me sertraline. I took it for 9 days. This time is now 3 years later and it is worse than ever before. I now feel like I am in a coma, I have no feeling emotionally I feel I am living in another world and I cant participate. I have 2 young children whom my heart would burst everytime I looked at them and now nothing. The only feeling I have it one of frustration please help me im begging.

Answered by  Dr. Anantha Kalyan D


I understand your problem. The problem what u have mentioned looks like your are suffering from repetitive , intrusive thoughts which are called obsessions. Before going to diagnose need further information like, the stress which you mentioned need further details in that.. And also your mood , energy levels, performance in your work, interests in doing pleasurable activities, concentration levels, sleep . And need further information regarding the repetitive thoughts ,how frequent the thoughts, how much distress you are going through because of thoughts, how you are managing the thoughts...

these information helps us to help you through therapy. You mentioned that doctor prescribed Sertraline....did you continue that medication or not ...if continued how long did you take that medication.... If you have only obsessions the treatment will be either medications or therapy like CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) or both based on severity and distress you are undergoing... Research shows that the combination helps better... And you have to continue medication for certain period until the doctor says to stop it... Get back to me with the details I mentioned to guide you in making you better. Thank you.

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