Know How Our Doctor Assisted a Patient Who Was Concerned About the Adverse Effects of Medication Prescribed for OCD

Know How Our Doctor Assisted a Patient Who Was Concerned About the Adverse Effects of Medication Prescribed for OCD

#icliniq100hrs success story

An unmarried woman grappling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for seven years consulted our iCliniq doctor. She explained how the condition initially revolved around excessive hand-washing but gradually escalated to a point where she felt compelled to take eight to nine baths a day following each visit to the washroom. She informed our doctor that the condition damaged her skin, health, and mental well-being. She also disclosed that her water consumption had dropped to the extent that there were occasions when she would go an entire 24 hours without ingesting a single drop of water.

She told our iCliniq doctor that she had consulted her doctor about an infection and itching in her vagina and surrounding areas, which was due to excessive washing. She clarified that she was not taking any medications to treat OCD. She mentioned that her doctor had suggested addressing the OCD first. She informed our doctor that she was prescribed some medications and an ointment for the condition and the infection. She expressed that she was concerned about the side effects of the medication because she was sensitive internally and externally. She was also concerned that she could become dependent on the medication or that her condition could worsen if he stopped the medication. She enquired whether the medications would affect her cognitive abilities, and her ability to function and sleep as she had important exams the next month. She said she was living under emotional stress from her family and in addition to dirt, emotional stress triggered her obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks.

Our iCliniq doctor carefully assessed the situation. After analyzing the condition, our doctor explained that the medication was necessary for treating OCD to prevent the potential worsening of the condition. He said that the medication that the patient was taking was the lowest and safest dose, without any side effects. He highlighted that if OCD was not cured, it could affect the patient socially and functionally. He recommended the medication and reassured the patient that even long-term usage would not cause cognitive impairment.

Our doctor also created a lifestyle plan to manage the condition. He advised the patient to exercise or at least walk for 30 to 45 minutes daily. Furthermore, he recommended meditation for 20 minutes daily practice by sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on normal breathing, while advising against attempting to suppress or forcefully control thoughts. He stressed the patient to eat healthy, avoid junk food, drink enough water, and spend a lot of time with her family and friends. Our doctor told the patient to get seven to eight hours of sleep daily, engage in creative activities such as painting, and avoid tobacco and alcohol. He advised the patient to undergo blood tests, including a complete blood count, thyroid profile, vitamin B12, and vitamin D3, and to report back within a week.

The patient thanked our doctor for the excellent analysis and diagnosis. She was grateful for the doctor's time and advice.

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