Medical Doctor for Your Slack Team

Real doctors answer medical queries for
everyone in your Slack team.


Quick Response Time

Quick turn-around time with your queries
being answered by real doctors from
iCliniq in a matter of hours

For Slack

Designed exclusively to work within your slack dashboard. Issue simple slack-commands like,
/icliniq Your-Query.

Secure & Private

We respect your privacy. All your messages and doctor answers remain private to you. No one can see the conversation as it happens on @slackbot.

How it Works

First query is FREE for every
Slack member


Monthly Team Plan
per month

    Your team size: members

Yearly Team Plan
per day

    Your team size: members

Pay Per Query
AU $12.99 per query

For More Plans & Offers Contact SALES Team.

It's Secure and Private

Shoot a message!