Get Medical Advice On Telegram Chat

Get Medical Advice On Telegram Chat

iCliniq is introducing a new Telegram BOT @icliniqBot to exclusively listen and answer health queries from every users. Users can send their health issues with pictures and medical reports any time on the chat.

This service is FREE for the first query and for the subsequent query a nominal fee has to be paid (See the pricing section).

To add this bot to your mobile phone, go to this page -->

Once you have added icliniqbot on your telegram, you can do the following actions.

1. Post a Health Query:

Type START on the chat to get started.

If you are new to iCliniq, you shall be prompted to enter your email address to signup. Upon giving the email your icliniq account will synched with your icliniq account. You can alternately login to with your email and password which will be sent on to your telegram chat.

Once the sign up is done, You can just type Your Health Query on the chat.

While sending the chat, you will be prompted to type either "done" or "discard" after the chat.

1. Press "done" - to sent the query to the doctor, as done with typing the entire query.

2. Press "discard" - to remove the query or make a fresh new query. This will remove the current query which is in progress.

2. Attach photos and files with a query

Send files or photos as you do it on regular telegram chat, before you send the "done" command.

3. To Follow Up a Query

To follow up an answer, follow the instructions provided below. You will also get the same instruction with your answer too. So, you just need to follow the instructions in your answer.

Type: follow[space][query-id][space]Your-query

4. How Do I Access My Conversation History?

You can login to with your email and the password sent on to your telegram chat. Your entire conversation and case history will be available on your icliniq account.

5. How To Pay?

You will receive a payment link after posting your query. By following the link you can able to complete the payment.

6. Pricing:

$9.99 per query