I am suffering from right knee pain despite taking medication. Please help.
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. What could be the reason for right knee pain?

Answered by  
Dr. Anuj Gupta
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio:

Dr. Anuj Gupta is an Orthopedic Surgeon who is specially trained in spine surgery. He completed his MBBS from The Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, and MS in Orthopedics at Ganes... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Oct 25, 2023 and last reviewed on: Oct 30, 2023
Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have played badminton for one month, and it gave me pain in my right knee.

As per the MRI, scan doctor said that there was some injury. He gave me Tendoflex (1-0-1) tablet and Diacerein (0-1-0) for one month. I took rest for one month and consumed the medicines for one month. I went to play after one month, and the pain returned. The doctor suggested taking the same medicines for six months and six months of rest. According to him, the injury, as per the MRI scan, will recover and is not a major one.

1) Do I need to take the medicines for six months?

2) Do the medicines help to cure the injured parts such as ACL, meniscus?

3) Will I recover from this injury?

MRI attached.

Thank you.

Answered by  Dr. Anuj Gupta


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I appreciate the details you have mentioned in your query. But unless you share your MRI report with me, how will I come to know about your injury? You mentioned MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) attached, but I cannot see any attachment.

Please share your MRI report.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your answer.

The MRI report is uploaded.

Thank you.

Answered by  Dr. Anuj Gupta


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

As I can appreciate from the report (attachment removed for patient identity protection), there is an interstitial tear in the ACL and a horizontal tear in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. I am not much concerned about ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), but a tear in the posterior horn of the meniscus is very notorious.

First of all, no medicine is going to help. In medications, there are just painkillers that will alleviate your pain. Otherwise, no medicine can heal this. Second, you need to understand treatment options. There are two options. First, you can do physiotherapy and try it for six to eight weeks, and if there is relief, then continue with that. If there is no relief, I suggest you go for arthroscopic repair or debridement.

Thank you.

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