Are bloody stool and abdominal pain suggestive of colon cancer?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. What is the recommended treatment for blood in the stools, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss?

Answered by  
Dr. Prathap
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.

Education: MD

Professional Bio:

Dr. Prathap is a General Practitioner and a Family Physician with eight years of clinical experience. He completed his MD in Medicine from Dr. N.T.R University of Health Sciences in 2016. He is cur... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Jun 28, 2023 and last reviewed on: Oct 11, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 28-year-old female who is awaiting a colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with GI bleeding after having a history of blood in my stools. I had abdominal pain, diarrhea, loose ribbon-like stools, fatigue, and an unusual weight loss of around 23 pounds in two months. I am also experiencing ringing in my ears, pressure in my head, and rapid heartbeats. My liver enzyme levels and EKG appeared to be slightly abnormal after undergoing blood and laboratory work. During the examination, my GI doctor informed me that the bleeding was not caused by a GI problem and that it could have been caused by my colon from my associated symptoms. I also noticed a larger, painless swelling above my right clavicle, which was later diagnosed as a lipoma.

I am a recently recovered alcoholic, but I used to have a habit of drinking excessively, which I gradually reduced but continued until I noticed GI bleeding. All of the doctors I have seen so far believe my drinking is held accountable for my symptoms.

My pain episodes have increased and worsened over time, and I now have them every day. I feel ill and spend most of my time in the toilet. I can see how the symptoms are similar to both colitis and colon cancer, and I would appreciate your advice given my situation.

Answered by  Dr. Prathap


Welcome to

I read your query and understand your concern.

I also appreciate your thorough explanation of symptoms.

To begin with, as you are only 28 years old, your chances of developing cancer are extremely low.

Your symptoms appear to be ulcerative colitis, which can only be confirmed with a colonoscopy and biopsy.

I would also recommend that you get a stool examination for fecal fat and blood, as well as a blood test for protein, to help with further diagnosis.

A definite conclusion regarding the swelling near the clavicle cannot be given without a proper physical examination.

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