I have been taking tuberculosis medicines for three months and my reports are all clear, but the doctor asked me to complete the course so that I can resume my sexual activity with my partner. Please help.

Q. When can one resume sexual activity after tuberculosis treatment?

Answered by
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
and medically reviewed by iCliniq medical review team.
This is a premium question & answer published on Nov 11, 2023

Hello doctor,

I have been taking tuberculosis medicines for three months and my reports are all clear. The doctor said that I am fine now but I should still complete the course so that I can resume my sexual activity with my partner. Please help.

Thank you.



Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

I have gone through the attachment (attachment hidden to protect the patient’s identity). I would suggest you not worry about anything and yes, you can resume sexual activity with your partner.

I hope this helps you.

Thank you.


Hello doctor, thank you so much for the reply.

Can I get sexually intimate with my partner in terms of oral sex and penetration? Is it risky?

Thank you.



Welcome to icliniq.com.

I can understand your concern. Before answering I would like to know what you meant by oral sex. Do you have any cough?

Please reply to me with answers to the above-asked questions so that I can guide you better about the risk.

Thank you.

Hello doctor,

Oral sex means blow job and licking the vagina. No, I do not have any cough at all.

Thank you.



Since you do not have any symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. You can have oral sex without fear.

I hope this helps you.

Thank you.

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